Trefranck Farm has been in Pip`s family for over three centuries. It is a testament to the resilience and innovation of generations of farmers who have dedicated their lives to working the land. Today, Trefranck Farm is run by Pip and her husband Matt Smith, who are both deeply committed to building sustainable farming practices for the future.
In 2017 we were lucky enough to be awarded Farmers Weekly Sheep Farmer of the Year in recognition of our hard work and dedication and were finalists for the Farmers Guardian Sheep Innovator of the Year in 2022. We are also proud to have diversified with our on-farm processing facility that is home to West Country Premium Venison. We sell our venison directly to restaurants and the loyal customers around the UK. We also provide bespoke butchering and packaging services for other sheep, beef and pork farmers.
Over the centuries, Trefranck Farm has seen many changes and developments in farming practices. Today, Trefranck Farm is home to 900 NZ Romney breeding ewes and 350 red deer hinds, all of which are carefully managed using the latest sustainable farming techniques.
Here at Trefranck Farm, everyone is committed to preserving the natural beauty of the land and minimizing the farm’s impact on the environment. We prioritize the health and welfare of our animals, while still managing them under a high degree of social and environmental pressures to ensure that the stock that leaves Trefranck Farm has the ability to thrive in any system.
We`re thrilled to have partnered with Te Whangai Romneys, a breeding outfit known for its unwavering honesty and integrity when selecting its stock. With over 25 years of monitoring stock performance under high worm challenges, Te Whangai Romneys have been leading the way in breeding resilient sheep.
We feel incredibly fortunate to have their imported rams as our main stud team for our ewes at Trefranck. Using a 5-family system to promote genetic diversity, as a team we are proud to share our top-quality stock with customers around the world. At Trefranck, we believe in being transparent and upfront about our breeding practices, and we’re delighted to work with partners like Te Whangai Romneys who share our values.
Growing up on a sheep and beef farm in New Zealand`s far north, Matt has spent more than two decades travelling the world, shearing and learning from the best in the agricultural industry. His extensive knowledge of farming techniques, both the tried-and-true and the experimental, has influenced his mindset and how Trefranck Farm operates today. Matt collaborates with farmers and organisations across the globe, whether it be shearing or farming to help keep his finger on the pulse of forward-thinking farming. Since settling on Pip`s family farm in Cornwall, Matt has been instrumental in increasing the ewe population and driving greater productivity on the farm. He is proud of how the farm has changed since he and Pip have been running it.
Pip keeps everything at Trefranck Farm and West Country Premium Venison running like a well-oiled machine. As a mother of three, Pip knows how to juggle multiple responsibilities with ease. Her family have been running Trefranck Farm since 1703, and Pip is deeply committed to preserving its legacy for future generations. She loves the animals and the farm. Whilst Pip loves being outside and getting her hands dirty, more recently Pip spends her time in behind-the-scenes operations management, where she ensures that every aspect of the farm and venison enterprise run seamlessly.
Pete is the Head Shepherd and all-round Stock Manager at Trefranck Farm. Pete joined the team in 2019, as part of his agricultural degree at the Royal Agricultural University. Pete has since gone on to work on the farm full-time where he has been an integral part of the farm`s success, overseeing the management of both the sheep and deer enterprises. With his growing number of skills, dedication, and commitment to the farm`s mission, Pete has quickly become a valued member of the team.